Ocala National Forest

Ocala National Forest, originally uploaded by Florida Water.

This photo was taken early in the morning at Lake Kerr in the forest.


US Forest Service and the Ad Council about a Public Service Announcement campaign

The amount of time U.S. children spend outdoors has declined 50% in the past 20 years, according to the Ad Council. The Forest Service is hoping to change this startling statistic through a PSA project entitled “Where the Other You Lives” that encourages tweens and their parents to re-connect with the great outdoors.

The Forest Service and the Ad Council created a microsite for the campaign where you can find local parks and pick up ideas on what to do on an outdoor adventure (leaf rubs, tracking animals, learning to use a compass). It's so important that our kids learn about, understand and spend time in nature. With a healthy and curious relationship with the world around them, our children are more likely to feel responsible for its well-being.


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