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East Asia, South East Asia? Nope... Europe, Portugal!
Choupal National Heath is a national heath in Coimbra, Portugal. It is a short distance from the city downtown and runs alongside the Mondego River. The forest has trails for jogging, walking, cycling and horse-riding.
This grove of poplar trees (choupos), was planted in 1791, in an attempt to stop the floods of the Mondego. The trees of Choupal were therefore planted to allow a better settling of the riverbed. Since the 19th century many other trees, including planes (sycamores), beechs, laurels, and eucalyptus have grown in the area. Today the forest is a popular place for recreation, exercise and picnics.
Mata Nacional do Choupal (Coimbra - Portugal)
Plantado em 1791, o choupal ocupa uma área de 79 hectares, bordejando o rio Mondego numa extensão de 2 Km.
A Mata Nacional do Choupal, localizada em Coimbra, Portugal, nasceu da necessidade de quebrar a impetuosidade das cheias do Mondego.